Saturday, October 28, 2017

Coffee Fueled Productivity AKA Attempt To Take Over The World

Hello Readers!

I am working on some reviews while drinking my first cup of coffee. It has been a rough couple of days in terms of kids sleeping but I am still working. Let's take a moment and pray that the caffeine starts coursing through my veins and the words start flowing. One thing that I pride myself in about my blog is that it does have a human element.

The rain is falling on the roof and it is singing a calm melody. Sipping my coffee and working while little ones sleep. There are far worse ways to start the day. Hope it lasts for a bit so I can work. One can dream.

I love when I wake up feeling productive and creative. It is happening less and less these days. It is like a breath of fresh air when it does happen. Woke up this morning and felt like I could take on the world. Well, that I could probably attempt to take on the world once the coffee started working. 

Reading multiple books these days. Some of them are really good while some come up short. Once again hit with the knowledge that I will never complete my TBR list. I am saddened by this. I wonder how many of the books are fantastic. I wonder how many will disappoint me. It still amazes me how many emotions can occur when reading.

 I am very lucky to get to share these stories with not only the author but with the world of readers. I realize that there was a time where it would have been impossible and I am thankful. I find it amazing that multiple people can read the same book and leave it feeling in completely different ways. I feel an immense honor that I get to read these books and share them with you. 

Thank you for reading.


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