Thursday, January 31, 2019

Sickness, gremlins, chaos, and every sort of crazy

Hello Readers.

I once again apologize for disappearing. I hate that life has been so insane. I was terribly sick and required surgery. Add that to the two toddlers ruling my home and writing opportunities have been pretty much obsolete. I did manage to read quite a bit so I will be featuring a number of books soon. 

I am still a little in shock with the amount of books that I read last year. I completed 247 books in one year. Blown away by that. Not sure I can repeat or surpass it but I will defiitely try. So many books, so little time. 

Happy New Year! I realize that it is a month late but let's pretend that January was just a practice month. Hope your 2019 is full of amazing books!
