Thursday, February 28, 2019

Curses and Crowns (Vampires of Crescent Cape Book 1) by L. Danvers

Curses and Crowns (Vampires of Crescent Cape Book 1) by L. Danvers
Published by Independently published
Published on February 12, 2019
Genre(s): Fantasy, Paranormal
Page Count: 210
Source: Purchased
Format: eBook

Book Description:
A cut-throat competition.

A romance to die for.

Danielle Parker’s life was a dream. Until it became a living nightmare.

Ripped of her memories of how she was kidnapped from her family, Danielle is whisked away to the mystical Crescent Cape—a kingdom ruled by vampires, where she is to live out her human life as a blood slave.

She’s not going down without a fight.

But her plans are thwarted when she’s selected to compete for the prince’s heart.

The winner will be turned into a vampire and taken as his bride. And the losers’ blood will be fed to the princess-to-be to complete her transition.

As much as she’s disgusted by the idea of the competition, and as dangerous as Prince Aiden is, she can’t deny her attraction to him—or to his troubled brother, Julian.

Will she be able to resist the brothers’ charms? Or will she find herself pulled into the dangerous world of the vampires of Crescent Cape?

A romantic and thrilling new series that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Perfect for fans of The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and The Selection.

Hello Readers.

I read books all across the genre gamut but a part of me always freaks out a little over fantasy, especially paranormal books. Vampires. Werewolves. Magic. Ghosts. Zombies.Witches. Give me! I am all over them. I cannot get enough. Yes please!

When I read the blurb for this one, I had to read it. It felt like something that I could really sink my teeth into. (Pun intended). I had gotten the opportunity to read the prequel short story (Blood Heirs)* last year and I found myself needing to know what happened. My mind would wander into this world at the most random times. I was hooked and needed to continue on this adventure.

Not so patiently, I waited. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Finally the announcement came and I was delighted.

Publication day! Yes! I dove into the book. I took my time with this one, not wanting to miss a single detail. I escaped back into the world of Crescent Cape and I welcomed it. Rich descriptions. Intriguing concept. Relatable characters. Complex storyline. I finished it and just sat back for a few minutes. An afterglow of sorts.

I am rating this book Five Blue Books because it was such an enjoyable read. As I write this, I cannot help but think about how I cannot wait to read what happens next. L. Danvers definitely has my attention and I look forward to reading more. Highly recommend.


* You can find Blood Heirs here.

Sunday, February 17, 2019


Hello Readers.

Another week of hectic days here. Lots of running around. Finally getting a chance to write. Yay! You have to excuse my excitement, I sat down many times this past week to work and fell asleep. I am happy to actually be somewhat alert.

As I was waiting for my coffee to brew this morning, I found myself thinking about books. Big surprise there, right? I thought about TBR (To Be Read) lists and how they tend to grow at an alarming rate at times. Some people have physical stacks or shelves of TBR books. Others have digital copies of lists or handwritten lists. I tend to keep all of the above.

I currently have stacks next to my chair of what I want to read next. I would love to say that these stacks decrease but they rarely do. For ever book that I read, at least three more are added. Funny thing is that I do not really see a problem with this. I probably add books to my TBR every single day. In fact, I have already added four this morning. Always open to recommendations so people are quick to send them my way.

I cannot help but wonder how others keep up with their TBR lists. How many of you have physical stacks in your home, begging to be read? I have seen people have actual library carts in their homes full of books. I must admit that I really like that idea and may have to implement it in the future. It may bring some order to the choas that are my stacks.

I have seen people that only buy ebooks so they do not constantly have physical copies of books. I get it. I can understand the desire for order. With that said, the idea saddens me. I have thousands of books on my Kindle and I read them regularly but I often miss the experience of holding the book in my hands and turning the pages. The smell. *sigh* That wonderful smell of a physical book. It is one of my all-time favorite smells.

I look at my books and I cannot help but feel joy. So many adventures. So many voices that wanted to be heard. Hard work and dedication fill those pages. I am in awe. It is an immense privilege to get to take them in and give them a home.

I doubt that I will ever be a person that only owns digital copies of books. Instead, I will be the person that people always joke about having more books than the public library. I will be the person that constantly has stacks of books next to my bed or chair. I am okay with that.


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Finally! Productivity loading...

Hello Readers.

Another insane week. This is the first time that I have actually gotten to sit down and work on stuff. Lots of very early mornings. Really hoping to convince the littles that sleep is more important than they realize. I wonder when someone will convince me of that. *smirks*  On a happy note, the coffee is fabulous today and I am being super productive. Yay for that!

I don't remember if I have mentioned it before but I am a person of many hats. I tend to work better if I have a lot of different things going on. This can make it crazy at times but it is what works for me. I am the person with multiple notebooks/journals/planners going. I am involved in multiple groups on social media including one that is mine. Add in the gremlins upstairs and I am pretty busy. With that said, I hope to always make time for you, my readers. You take the time to read my ramblings and I appreciate it.

My mind is all over the place this morning so please bear with me. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah! Books! I just posted a list of new releases in my Facebook group and I was once again blown away by the sheer number of books that come out every week. Some are highly anticipated. Some slip in there and are relatively unnoticed. It is impossible to compose a list of all of them because there are so many. I am forever on the lookout for an all-encompassing list. With that said, I have found that many of the books that I love tend to be ones that I just stumbled upon.

I just zoned out for a little bit there. I don't remember where I was going with this. I think I need more coffee. I am going to go for now but I want to leave you with this. Take a chance on an author that you have never read before. Buy that book that takes you out of your comfort zone. You may not like it but there is always the possibility that you will. How wonderful would that be?

Happy Reading!


Saturday, February 2, 2019

Sleep? What is that?

Hello Readers.

Another morning that started way too early. My oldest decided that sleep was overrated so we were up at 4 A.M. Downside to this was that sleep was once again stolen from me. Upside to this was that I got to finish reading the book I was working on while cuddling with a three year old. Overall, it was a win. 

As I drink my coffee, I cannot help but wonder exactly how many hours have I read instead of slept. Granted, this morning was early because someone else chose for it to be but it does have me thinking. As a child, I would hide in my bed under the covers with a flashlight and read after everyone else had gone to sleep. I would also hide in the closet. That probably began before I started school. I would be found many mornings passed out on my book. My mom would tell me about the importance of sleep and would often attempt to prevent my late night reading sessions. I quickly found ways around this. 

As I got older, I would find myself starting books at night and staying up to finish them. It became so frequent that my mom would threaten to take them. She was afraid that I would fall asleep in class. Looking back, it is understandable. I was forgoing sleep to read. Sleep or awesome adventures? Who would choose sleep? 

I would most nights. Being significantly older, I try to be more responsible these days. I understand the importance of sleep in regards to cognitive ability and general  heath. With that said, I also have insomnia at time and have young children so sleep often evades me. On those nights or early mornings, I love to spend my time in books. I get to journey to other worlds and be other people. That is an amazing thing. 

I wonder what little me would think of all the literary adventures we have been on. I am sure that she would be delighted beyond words. So many books. So many journeys. So little sleep. Worth it. 
