Saturday, February 2, 2019

Sleep? What is that?

Hello Readers.

Another morning that started way too early. My oldest decided that sleep was overrated so we were up at 4 A.M. Downside to this was that sleep was once again stolen from me. Upside to this was that I got to finish reading the book I was working on while cuddling with a three year old. Overall, it was a win. 

As I drink my coffee, I cannot help but wonder exactly how many hours have I read instead of slept. Granted, this morning was early because someone else chose for it to be but it does have me thinking. As a child, I would hide in my bed under the covers with a flashlight and read after everyone else had gone to sleep. I would also hide in the closet. That probably began before I started school. I would be found many mornings passed out on my book. My mom would tell me about the importance of sleep and would often attempt to prevent my late night reading sessions. I quickly found ways around this. 

As I got older, I would find myself starting books at night and staying up to finish them. It became so frequent that my mom would threaten to take them. She was afraid that I would fall asleep in class. Looking back, it is understandable. I was forgoing sleep to read. Sleep or awesome adventures? Who would choose sleep? 

I would most nights. Being significantly older, I try to be more responsible these days. I understand the importance of sleep in regards to cognitive ability and general  heath. With that said, I also have insomnia at time and have young children so sleep often evades me. On those nights or early mornings, I love to spend my time in books. I get to journey to other worlds and be other people. That is an amazing thing. 

I wonder what little me would think of all the literary adventures we have been on. I am sure that she would be delighted beyond words. So many books. So many journeys. So little sleep. Worth it. 


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