Sunday, February 17, 2019


Hello Readers.

Another week of hectic days here. Lots of running around. Finally getting a chance to write. Yay! You have to excuse my excitement, I sat down many times this past week to work and fell asleep. I am happy to actually be somewhat alert.

As I was waiting for my coffee to brew this morning, I found myself thinking about books. Big surprise there, right? I thought about TBR (To Be Read) lists and how they tend to grow at an alarming rate at times. Some people have physical stacks or shelves of TBR books. Others have digital copies of lists or handwritten lists. I tend to keep all of the above.

I currently have stacks next to my chair of what I want to read next. I would love to say that these stacks decrease but they rarely do. For ever book that I read, at least three more are added. Funny thing is that I do not really see a problem with this. I probably add books to my TBR every single day. In fact, I have already added four this morning. Always open to recommendations so people are quick to send them my way.

I cannot help but wonder how others keep up with their TBR lists. How many of you have physical stacks in your home, begging to be read? I have seen people have actual library carts in their homes full of books. I must admit that I really like that idea and may have to implement it in the future. It may bring some order to the choas that are my stacks.

I have seen people that only buy ebooks so they do not constantly have physical copies of books. I get it. I can understand the desire for order. With that said, the idea saddens me. I have thousands of books on my Kindle and I read them regularly but I often miss the experience of holding the book in my hands and turning the pages. The smell. *sigh* That wonderful smell of a physical book. It is one of my all-time favorite smells.

I look at my books and I cannot help but feel joy. So many adventures. So many voices that wanted to be heard. Hard work and dedication fill those pages. I am in awe. It is an immense privilege to get to take them in and give them a home.

I doubt that I will ever be a person that only owns digital copies of books. Instead, I will be the person that people always joke about having more books than the public library. I will be the person that constantly has stacks of books next to my bed or chair. I am okay with that.


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